September 14th, 7PM – 8:30 ET
“Centering Critical Qualitative Inquiry and Psychopolitical Validity: Reflections from Doctoral Candidates”
ORGANIZER: Carla Rosinski PRESENTERS: Carla Rosinski, Serena Cardoso, Myisha Rodrigues, Brandon Jones, Kimberly Cherry
The Pursuit of Housing: Chronically Homeless Men’s Experience Pursuing Housing PRESENTER: Serena Cardoso, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology
Listening to Supervisee Voices: A Critical Inquiry into the Experiences and Insights of Transgender Therapists in Clinical Supervision PRESENTER: Kimberly Cherry, MFT, LMFT PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology
Counseling While Black: A Critical Inquiry Exploring Black Counselors’ Experiences at the Intersection of Race and Gender in Predominantly White Mental Health Settings PRESENTER: Brandon Jones, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology
Embodied Descriptive Analysis: Exploring the Impact of Systemic Oppression on Black, Public School Educators PRESENTER: Myisha R. Rodrigues, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology
Disrupting Heteronormativity in Clinical Discourse: A Call for Critical Sexualities Studies in Counseling Psychology PRESENTER: Carla R. Rosinski, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology