Distinguished Dissertation in Qualitative Inquiry Award Winner: Edward D. Scott, Jr., PhD
Dr. Scott’s dissertation, Making Justice: A multimethod qualitative study of activist identity formation and political imagination(s) among Black adolescents, is clear, cohesive, elegant, and compelling – “resulting in a truly superb dissertation that is a delight to read, is intellectually rigorous, and is an exemplar of qualitative methods.”
Distinguished Early Career Contributions in Qualitative Inquiry Award Winner: Roberto Luis Abreu, PhD
Dr. Abreu “is a committed scientist-practitioner-advocate who has advanced qualitative methods and already is invested in contributing towards future generations of qualitative and mixed methods researchers.”
Congratulations, and thank you to each person for their important contributions to the field of qualitative psychology. And a special thank you to this year’s Division 5 qualitative awards committee: James Christopher Head, Deb Tolman, and Linda McMullen.