August 17th, 6PM – 7:30 ET
“Global and Transnational Perspectives of the 21st Century Migration Crisis and Counter-Movements of Solidarity and Resistance: Co-Constituting the Stories of Persons Embedded in Sacred Lived Migration Spaces”
ORGANIZERS: Peiwei Li and Mary Beth Morrissey PRESENTERS: Peiwei Li, Mary Beth Morrissey, Andrea Nicktee, Juarez Mendoza, Juan Carlos García Rivera, and Rakhshanda Saleem
“The 21st century migration crisis: Women scholar-activists leading the movement of global solidarity with refugee mothers and their families seeking asylum in the United States”
PRESENTER: Mary Beth Morrissey, PhD, JD, MPH Research Fellow, Fordham University Global Health Care Innovation Management Center
“Local practices, transnational knowledge: Roles, functions and ethical commitments/dilemmas lived by mental health practitioners working with refugees and asylum seekers from El Salvador”
PRESENTER: Juan Carlos García Rivera, MA – Doctoral Student Critical Social/Personality Psychology, the Graduate Center, CUNY
“Beyond borders: Naming injustice, locating liberation, and finding ourselves in the work”
PRESENTER: Andrea N. Juarez Mendoza – Doctoral Student The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Transnational perspectives on structural violence against immigrants and liberatory solidarity”
PRESENTER: Rakhshanda Saleem, PhD – Associate Professor Lesley University, Division of Counseling and Psychology PRESENTER: Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP – Associate Professor, Lesley University, Division of Counseling and Psychology