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SQIP 2015 Conference

ANNUAL CONFERENCE May 14, 2015 The Graduate Center, City University of New York 365 5th Avenue @ 34th Street New York, NY 10016 PROGRAM

Opening Plenary Session (8:15 am – 9:10 am)

  • Welcome & Session Introduction Marco Gemignani (President of SQIP, Duquesne University)

  • Qualitative Inquiry: Promises and Pitfalls Kenneth J. Gergen (Swarthmore College), Ruthellen Josselson (Fielding Graduate University), and Mark Freeman (College of the Holy Cross) Concurrent Session I (9:15 am – 10:45 am). Panel I-A: Pluralism in Qualitative Research: Emerging Theory or Incompatible Differences?

    •  Nollaig Frost (Chair, Middlesex University): “Pluralism in Qualitative Research: Methodological Prospects and Challenges”

    •  Ross Neville (University of Birmingham): “On Pragmatism, Paradigms and Pluralistic Qualitative Research”

    •  Deborah Rodriguez (Middlesex University): “A Methodological Reflection on the Application of Qualitative Pluralistic Research”

    •  Frauke Elichaoff (Middlesex University): “Implementing a Pluralistic Approach to Research: The Experiences of Adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions” Panel I-B: The Geographies of Broken Windows

      •  Gaurav Jashnani (CUNY), Priscilla Bustamante (CUNY) & Brett Stoudt (Chair, CUNY): “Taking the Long Way: The Human Costs of Order Maintenance Policing”

      •  Caitlin Cahill (Pratt Institute) & Amanda Matles (CUNY): “Mirrored Windows: Young People, Police & the Gentrifying City”

      •  Talia Sandwick (CUNY) & Amanda Matles (CUNY): “Nothing is Precious: Rapid Research as a Participatory Tool for Studying Youth Experiences of Policing”

      •  Kimberly Belmonte (CUNY), Jennifer Chmielewski (CUNY), Brett Stoudt (CUNY), Maria Torre (CUNY), & Michelle Fine (CUNY): “Que(e)rying School Discipline Research: Using Mixed Qualitative Methods to Understand Queer Students’ Experience of Surveillance” Panel I-C: Ethics of Video in Psychological Research and Social Justice Work

        •  Stephanie M. Anderson (Chair, CUNY): “Ethical Requirements and Ethical Responsibilities with Video in Psychological Research”

        •  Carolina Muñoz-Proto (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso): “Video Testimonies in the Study and Promotion of Social Justice and Nonviolence Activism”


  •  Alvaro Ayala (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso) & Cristian Landeros (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso): “Video or Photovoice? Ethical Dilemmas in Research on Heterosexism in an All-Girls’ High School”

  •  Wendy Luttrell (CUNY): Discussant Panel I-D: Making Words Count: A Research Team Approach to Promote and Create Strengths-Based, Culturally Informed, Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology

    •  Anne E. Brodsky (Chair, UMBC): “Making Words Count in Psychology Training and Research”

    •  Jill E. Scheibler (Carson Research Consulting): “Whose Emic is Whose?: Tempering Insider Knowledge and Identity-Based Blind Spots to Produce Rich, Ethical, and Multi-Leveled Research”

    •  Gitika Talwar (Cowlitz Tribal Health): “Into the Looking Glass: Conducting Qualitative Inquiry within Communities with Whom You Perceive Kinship”

    •  Sara L. Buckingham (UMBC): “Person-Environment and Topic-Method Fit: The Utility of Family Case Study Methods in Examining the Acculturation Gap—Distress Hypothesis”

    •  Lindsay Emery (UMBC): “A Foot in Two Worlds: Utilizing Qualitative Methods to Explore Identity Development and Sense of Community among Biracial Persons” Concurrent Session II (11:05 am – 12:35 pm). Panel II-A: Critical Theories, Qualitative Inquiry, and the Study of Psychological Diversity

  •  Corinne Datchi (Chair, Seton Hall University), Beyza Sinan (Seton Hall University), & Jiwon Yoo (Seton Hall University): “Performativity in Qualitative Inquiry: Advancing the Study of Gender in Psychological Research”

  •  Peiwei Li (Springfield College): “Critical-Emancipatory Knowledge and the Study of Self and Spirituality in Psychology”

  •  Yu-ting Su (Bastyr University): “Using Critical Qualitative Methodology to Study Racial Identities and Discourses in Counseling”

  •  Barbara Dennis (Indiana University): “Critical Qualitative Inquiry in International Contexts: The Uganda Project” Panel II-B: Advancing Qualitative Research with Transformative Activist Agendas: Collaborative Research Projects in Community College and Beyond

    •  Anna Stetsenko (Co-Chair, CUNY): “Research with Transformative Agendas: Advances and Challenges for Developing Qualitative Methodologies”

    •  Eduardo Vianna (Co-Chair, CUNY) & Naja Hougaard (CUNY): “Creating Peer-Based Communities of Change in a Community College: Extending the Vygotskian Project through Qualitative Research with a Transformative Activist Agenda”

    •  Francisco Medina (CUNY) & Keiko Matsuura (CUNY): “Transforming Qualitative Methodologies through Activism and Reflective Epistemology”


  •  Dusana Podlucka (CUNY): “Activist Collaborative Inquiry on Learning, Agency and Autism: Dynamics of Participation and Caring”

  •  Mike Rifino (CUNY): “Demystifying student passivity in the Peer Activist Learning Community Research” Panel II-C: Qualitative Psychopharmacology: Exploring the Subjective Effects of Hallucinogens and their Healing Potentials

  •  Peter H. Addy (Yale University), Matthew Metzger (No Affiliation), & Jenny Wade (Sofia University): “The Subjective Experience of Acute, Experimentally-Induced Salvia Divinorum Inebriation”

  •  Alexander B. Belser (New York University), Gabrielle Agin-Liebes (New York University), T. Cody Swift (RiverStyx Foundation) & Stephen Ross (New York University): “Psilocybin-Administration as a Treatment for Anxiety in Cancer Patients: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis”

  •  Tehseen Noorani (Johns Hopkins University), Albert Garcia-Romeu (Chair, Johns Hopkins University), Roland R. Griffiths (Johns Hopkins University) & Matthew W. Johnson (Johns Hopkins University): “Identifying Perceived Mechanisms of Change in the Use of Psilocybin to Occasion Smoking Cessation: Possibilities and Challenges”

  •  Albert Garcia-Romeu (Chair, Johns Hopkins University), Samuel P Himelstein (Sofia University) & Jacob Kaminker (John F. Kennedy University): “Mapping the Phenomenology and Persisting Effects of Self-Transcendence: Towards a Preliminary Grounded Theory of Transcendent Experience” Panel II-D: Teaching Qualitative Inquiry in Undergraduate Psychology Programs: Contexts, Practices, and Questions

    •  Cynthia Winston-Proctor (Howard University): “Up Close and Personal Revisited: The Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching and Learning Narrative Personality Psychology Inquiry”

    •  Linda M. McMullen (Chair, University of Saskatchewan): “Teaching Qualitative Inquiry as a Stand-Alone Course in an Undergraduate Psychology Program”

    •  Cynthia Neal Kimball (Wheaton College): “Teaching Qualitative Research without the Benefit of a Stand-Alone Course”

    •  Patrick Sweeney (CUNY): Discussant Concurrent Session III (2:10 pm – 3:40 pm).. Panel III-A: Recommendations for Designing and Reviewing Qualitative Research: Promoting Methodological Integrity

  •  Joseph G. Ponterotto (Fordham University): “Qualitative Research in Psychology: In the Midst of a Paradigm Shift”

  •  Heidi M. Levitt (Chair, University of Massachusetts Boston): “Integrity-Based Research Design and Evaluation”


  •  Sue L. Motulsky (Lesley University): “Challenges of and Responses to Qualitative Research Reviewers, Editors, and Authors”

  •  Frederick J. Wertz (Fordham University) & Ruthellen Josselson (Fielding Graduate University): Discussants Panel III-B: From the Margins to the Center: Qualitative Inquiry with Marginalized Groups

    •  Carmen Lalonde (Yeshiva University): “In Their Own Words: Trans People Speak Out”

    •  Brendan Gough (Leeds Beckett University): “From the Margins to[wards] the Centre: Researching Masculinities Online”

    •  Louise Bordeaux Silverstein (Chair, Yeshiva University): “Gay Fathers: Expanding the Possibilities for All of Us”

    •  Mary B. Killeen (Syracuse University): “Weighing the Options: Requesting Workplace Accommodations”

    •  Susan G. Goldberg (Duquesne University): “Teaching Reflexivity to Undergraduates When Interviewing People from Marginalized Groups” Panel III-C: Voicing the Voiceless: Descriptive Phenomenology as Emancipatory Psychiatric Research

  •  James Morley (Chair, Ramapo College of New Jersey): “Introduction to Descriptive Phenomenological Method”

  •  Larry Davidson (Yale University): “Involving Persons in Recovery in Psychiatric Research”

  •  Kimberly Guy (Yale University): “Being a Person in Recovery in Psychiatric Research”

  •  Miraj Desai (Yale University): “A Grassroots Approach: Phenomenology, India, and the Autism Spectrum Disorders”

  •  Frederick Wertz (Fordham University): Discussant Panel III-D: Articulating Moral Exclusion: How the Scope of Justice is Established—and Resisted—through Discourse

    •  Emese Ilyes (CUNY): “Letters to the World: Reflecting on Desire, Dreams, and Possibilities from within a Sheltered Workshop”

    •  Andrew Pilecki (Chair, University of California, Santa Cruz): “‘Either You are with Us, or You are with the Terrorists’: How Politicians Construct Moral Communities to Mobilize Support”

    •  Erin Toolis (University of California, Santa Cruz): “‘This is My Community’: Reproducing and Resisting Boundaries of Exclusion in Contested Public Spaces”


  •  Patrick Sweeney (CUNY): “‘Born This Way’: Implications of Naturalness as a Condition for Inclusion in the Scope of Justice”

  •  Phillip L. Hammack (University of California, Santa Cruz) & Susan Opotow (CUNY): Discussants Concurrent Session IV (4:00 pm – 5:30 pm). Panel IV-A: Identity, Ideology, and Reasoning: Qualitative Inquiry in the Psychology of Self and Culture in Context

  •  Joseph Tennant (Chair, University of Chicago): “‘Let My Words Be Truth’: Differences in Moral Justification Between Atheists and Evangelical Christians and Their Implications for Moral Psychological Research”

  •  Gabriel Valez (University of Chicago): “The Universality of Human Rights in Civics Education: Psychological Assumptions in the Literature and a Hybridized Viewpoint Critique”

  •  Séamus A. Power (University of Chicago): “The Cultural Psychology of an Irish Recession: A Violent Past but a Peaceful Present”

  •  Ahmad Qadafi (University of Chicago): “Identity, Participation, and Cognition: How Identifying with Either Academics or Athletics Mediates Verbal Reasoning” Panel IV-B: Mental Health Resilience: Strategies for Emotional Wellness in Black Americans

    •  Zuleka Henderson (Howard University): “Using Dimensional Analysis to Understand How African American Teens Conceptualize and Approach Healing from Trauma”

    •  Babe Kawaii-Bogue (Chair, University of Michigan): “An Examination of Coping Strategies for Depression Among a Community Sample of Older, Church-Going, African American Men”

    •  Quenette Walton (University of Illinois at Chicago): “Mental Health Resilience Among Middle- Class African American Women’s Experiences with Depression: Employing the Grounded Theory Method”

    •  Norissa Williams (CUNY): “A Caribbean American Case Study of Coping, Culture & Resilience” Panel IV-C: Psychoanalytic Contributions to Qualitative Inquiry: Navigating Transferences to Psychoanalysis In and Beyond the Clinic and Classroom

      •  Stephanie Swales (University of Dallas): “Lacanian Psychoanalysis as Anti-Psychologizing and Its Benefits for Teaching Qualitative Research”

      •  Marilyn Charles (The Austen Riggs Center): “In Another Tongue: Psychoanalysis and Reflective Function”

      •  Kristen Hennessy (Private Practice): “Fostering an Ethnographic Entourage: Lacanian Psychoanalytic Work in the Foster Care System”

      •  Amy Taylor (Chair, The Austen Riggs Center): “Autoethnographic Reflections on Self- Authorization and the Collaborative


Panel IV-D: Speaking Back from the Margins: Incorporating Participant Marginalia in Survey and Interview Research

  •  Sara McClelland (Chair, University of Michigan); & Kathryn Holland (University of Michigan): “‘This Question Doesn’t Apply to Me’: Incorporating Marginalia in Survey Analysis – A Case of Study of the Female Sexual Function Index”

  •  Brett Stoudt (CUNY): “Analyzing the Quantitative Margins: Exploring the Potentiality of Unexpected Qualitative Data in the Margins of Community Surveys”

  •  Breanne Fahs (Arizona State University): “Methodological Mishaps and Slippery Subjects: Stories of First Sex, Oral Sex, and Sexual Trauma in Qualitative Sex Research” Closing Plenary Session (6:30 pm – 8:30 pm).

Methodological Innovations in Qualitative Inquiry with Marginalized Populations Joseph P. Gone (Chair, University of Michigan); Sunil Bhatia (Connecticut College), Michelle Fine (CUNY), Daniel B. Fishman (Rutgers University), Marco Gemignani (Duquesne University), & Cynthia Winston-Proctor (Howard University) 7

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