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Virtual Salons 2021-22

Welcome to the SQIP Virtual Salon!

Through a series of monthly online events, free and open to the public, the SQIP Virtual Salon series continues bringing together qualitative researchers across the world to share ideas and enjoy community, collegiality, and inspiration. Each Salon features a series of presentations on a theme, as well as opportunities for Q&A and discussion. For those who are unable to make it to the scheduled event, many of them will be recorded and hosted on our website for all to enjoy.

SQIP Virtual Salons will be hosted on Zoom Meetings this year. To register for the upcoming salons, please visit the registration websites attached to each event, with the email address with which you will sign into Zoom. Then, you will be emailed a Zoom link & password to attend the session. All events are free and open to the public, but you must register in advance.


March 31st, 2022. 7:00-8:30PM (EST).

Curriculum at the Crossroads: On the Integration of History and Philosophy of Science in Research Methods Education” 

PANELISTS: James Christopher Head, Javier Rizo, Neal Kingston, Lisa Osbeck, Joshua W. Clegg, Linda McMullen


Qualitative inquiry has become more normalized and institutionalized within psychology in recent years, which has ushered in a host of changes and challenges for instructors of psychological research methods and methodologies. As the field has become more methodologically inclusive, instructors of general undergraduate methods courses are confronted with a range of pressing questions (e.g., What investigatory approaches to teach? How to situate these approaches historically? How to help students understand these approaches in terms of varied epistemological positions?). In this salon, we bring together students and faculty members with varied expertise in quantitative and qualitative approaches to discuss the opportunities and challenges afforded by a more inclusive vision of research methods education. Our goal is to engage, spark, and facilitate conversation about how, as a discipline of researchers from diverse positions, we can fashion an introductory research curriculum for our undergraduate students that more effectively teaches them about psychological science.

Video Recording:


February 24th, 2022. 8:00-9:30PM (EST).

“Ethnography in Psychological Research.” 

PANELISTS: Elizabeth Fein, Sunil Bhatia, Jonathan Yahalom, Patricia Greenfield, Talia Weiner


Ethnography is a research practice characterized by engagement and immersion into the particular life-worlds of a social group or groups, in order to better understand and convey something about that world and its participants. While ethnography is a popular research method in the social sciences, it has historically been overlooked in psychological research. Nevertheless, ethnography provides critical access to many of psychology’s most pressing questions about culture, development and social life – dimensions of human experience that are fundamentally embedded in broader social and material contexts. This Salon is hosted by the authors of the forthcoming chapter, “Ethnography In Psychological Research” in the APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology. It will bring together leading researchers in psychology to discuss the relevance of ethnography and how it can be used during psychological research. Topics that will be discussed include: choosing and arranging a site, field-note taking and participant observation, ethnographic interviewing, ethics and negotiating relationships in the field, data analysis and ethnographic writing.

Zoom Recording:


January 27th, 2022. 2:00-3:30PM (EST).

“The Politics of Decolonizing the Praxis of Psychology.” 

PANELISTS: Sunil Bhatia, Catriona Macleod Moderator: Jeanne Marececk


This virtual salon will feature a conversation between Sunil Bhatia and Catriona Macleod about the meaning and significance of decolonization in psychology, including how decolonization can be integrated into the praxis of research in psychology. Bhatia and Macleod wrote the first methodological paper on postcolonial research in psychology in 2008 (updated in 2017 with Shose Kessi as co-author), and also collaborated on a 2020 special issue on Feminisms and Decolonising Psychology published in Feminism & Psychology. This session will explore their professional trajectories as psychologists doing decolonial work in the field, the place of politics in psychological research, the similarities and differences between cultural and decolonial psychologies, and the possibilities and challenges implicit in the move towards decolonization.

Zoom Recording


December 9, 2021. 4:00pm–6pm (EST).

“What’s the Difference? A Conversation Comparing Approaches to Qualitative Analysis.” 

ORGANIZER: Ruthellen Josselson PRESENTERS: Virginia Braun, Phil Hammack, Heidi Levitt, Michael Larkin (standing in for Jonathan Smith), Fred Wertz STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE: Leo Kiralla; DISCUSSANT: Lisa Osbeck


Students and researchers are often puzzled about what difference it might make if they use one or another method to analyze their qualitative data. In this salon, experts in and founders of thematic analysis, narrative analysis, critical-constructive grounded theory, interpretive phenomenological analysis, and phenomenology will discuss the differences in how they go about creating and analyzing data and what differences in results they might obtain. The aim will be to elucidate how the final reports from each approach would compare to the others. Is there a difference that makes a difference?

Download Document of Q&A Answers and Resources for Participants Mentioned in Chat

Zoom Recording


October 25, 2021. 4pm–5:30pm (EST).

“Voice-Centered Relational Methods: Using the Listening Guide for Social Justice Research.“

ORGANIZER: Sue L. Motulsky PRESENTERS: Sue L. Motulsky, Brandon Jones, Kimberly Cherry, Renée Spencer


The Listening Guide is a feminist, voice-centered relational method for qualitative data analysis and interpretation developed by Carol Gilligan and colleagues (Gilligan, 2015; Gilligan, Spencer, Weinberg & Bertsch, 2003). It is an ideal method for psychological research, especially research focusing on marginalized/oppressed voices and for taboo or difficult-to-discuss topics. This method centers participants’ voices in the context of culture and relationship, making it a vehicle for social justice research. It uses successive listenings or readings of interview transcripts or written texts that attend to the interplay of multiple voices through various interpretive frameworks, drawing on “voice, resonance, and relationship as ports of entry into the human psyche” (Gillian et al., 2003, p. 157). This symposium presents the Listening Guide as a potentially powerful and psychologically insightful method that enhances qualitative data analysis through exploration of the participant’s portrayal of self, the conflicting or ambiguous voices present in human experience, and a deeper understanding of what can be said and known within the research relationship.

Zoom Recording


September 22, 2021. 6:00pm–7:30pm (EST).

“Toward a New Narrative Personality Health Psychology Training Model”

ORGANIZER: Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor, Ph.D., Howard University Department of Psychology, Washington DC, USA PRESENTERS: Denée, Thomas Mwendwa, Ph.D., Professor; Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor, Ph.D., Professor; Breanna N. Beard, B.A., Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student; Alexandria L. Frank, B.S., A Former Undergraduate Psychology Honors Student.


This event will: (1) introduce a narrative personality health psychology training model that we have developed to launch our new Howard University Narrative Personality Health Psychology Collaborative (NPHPC); (2) discuss the theoretical, methodological, and interpersonal knowledge to enter and sustain this kind of training; and (3) inspire students and faculty to develop innovative apprentice-collaborative qualitative inquiry in psychology training models that simultaneously advance interdisciplinary knowledge and professional career generative growth.

Zoom Recording

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