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Through the work of several task forces across the years, SQIP has curated resources for publication, teaching, ethics and more in an effort to foster dialogue and reflection on “next generation” questions for qualitative researchers in psychology.


We invite you to dive into these texts and resources, to appreciate their complexity, and to help us move the conversation forward as a community of critical theorists, researchers, and practitioners.


Please stay tuned for updates.

APA Book Series: Essentials in Qualitative Inquiry

Qualitative Essentials is a book series by the APA (2021) which provides a comprehensive but succinct overview of topics in qualitative inquiry. Written by leaders in qualitative inquiry including esteemed members of SQIP, these books are an excellent resource for instructors and students from all disciplines.

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Ethics & Qualitative Research

The SQIP ethics working group has produced a number of writings to extend thinking about ethics and qualitative research. In April 2017, at APA’s request for division responses to its formation of the Ethics Code Task Force, they prepared this statement), which was featured during the 2017 SQIP business meeting at the APA convention.


Publication of Qualitative Research

The Task force on Resources for the Publication of Qualitative Research has developed resources to support qualitative researchers in the design, review, and publication of their research.   Toward that end, they have listed here links to journals that focus on publishing qualitative research as well as their task force report with recommendations for designing and reviewing qualitative research.


Graduate Training in Qualitative Methods in Psychology

The Task Force on Graduate Training in Psychology has investigated and reported on the current state of graduate training in qualitative methods  within US psychology programs, and is currently gathering information and maintaining a database of graduate programs in psychology offering training in qualitative methods.

Classmates in Library

Undergraduate Teaching and Curricula

The primary goal of the SQIP task force on undergraduate teaching and curricula is to develop and identify resources for teaching qualitative inquiry at the undergraduate level. These resources include syllabi from a variety of course offerings in qualitative inquiry, (e.g., courses in which qualitative inquiry is integrated into existing psychology courses, stand-alone general introductory courses to qualitative inquiry, introductory and advanced courses on particular methodologies, and graduate-level courses for students with no previous exposure to qualitative inquiry). Coupled with course syllabi are reflective commentaries from the developers of the courses, along with samples of assignments and projects.

Confident Female Teacher

International Committee

SQIP is working on building a global community. Join us! 

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